We hear a lot about practicing mindfulness, not just in the recovery community but in mental health in general. Practicing mindfulness means that you’re focused on the present moment and enjoying it for all that it is, rather than thinking about the past or the future. In fact, many people feel that it’s just beginning. Life after addiction allows you to feel more in control of your activities and your relationships. Drugs and alcohol alter your mental state, leading to lowered self-esteem and depression.

Take on a diet that’s sustainable (not just a fad) and stick to it to help establish a new routine. Too many people wait for the “perfect time” to seek help for substance abuse. Being sober will not only monumentally improve your life — it will save your life. Addiction and mental health issues often come hand-in-hand.

Slip vs Relapse: What’s The Difference?

It stops you from fidgeting or thinking of scenarios where you’d end up drinking. Stay calm, play some relaxing ambient noise, and be still. One of the most important reasons to stay sober is because you’ve started this wonderful journey of reclaiming your life.

Why do people want to be sober?

There's Life Beyond Addiction

When you're sober, your life doesn't end. In fact, many people feel that it's just beginning. Life after addiction allows you to feel more in control of your activities and your relationships. Everything in your life can feel more manageable without the effects of alcohol and drugs.

When you’re suffering from addiction, your only concern is to get more substances. As a result, you neglect your physical appearance and personal hygiene. Therefore, living a sober life will improve your appearance. One of the many benefits of sobriety is that you’ll get a fresh start on repairing these broken relationships. All you need to do is take responsibility for your past wrongs and prove to your family and friends that you’re now sober and trustworthy again.


Everything was just too painful without drinking. Sometimes I did pills and alcohol to really make the pain go away faster. When the effects wore off, all I could think about was the pain, so I drank and took more pills. After many years of this, I decided the only way to really stop the pain was to stop drinking and using pills completely.

Detoxification and rehabilitation programs are available in both inpatient and outpatient settings. They also recommend avoiding short-term rehabilitation, as three months is the minimum recommended length of stay, and more than one course of treatment may be required. As such, extended stay drug rehab is strongly recommended by the US government.

Tough Times Don’t Have To Mean The End Of Being Sober

Much of our social behaviors involve the use of substances in one form or another. Even if you’re not an addict, living a sober lifestyle can seem like a difficult feat. Family and friends are the easiest people to hurt when you are struggling with addiction. Those who stood by you and remain loyal to you, even when you were at your worst, are perhaps the most important people to keep in your life.

reasons to stay sober

No matter what your thoughts are right now about getting and staying sober, take a moment to recognize the good things about it. If you need a bit of help, consider these reasons. Hangover symptoms including nausea, vomiting, headaches and brain fog can https://ecosoberhouse.com/ last for days in some cases and can diminish your quality of day-to-day life. Life after addiction might also mean you have more professional success and new creative outlets that you discover when drugs and alcohol aren’t occupying all of your time.

Substance Abuse Treatment

Being sober can be stressful, but it doesn’t need to be — and it certainly won’t be forever. You’re not punishing yourself for not drinking, you’re rewarding yourself, so go out and get a massage to work out some of that tension and feel proud while you’re pampered. Many people drink with the same group of “friends”. There’s a variety of meetup groups online and plenty of free events.

  • Nothing keeps you in a haze quite like drugs and alcohol.
  • If you struggle with addiction, chances are that you have done things you regret.
  • It means thinking before you act and making conscious choices with your best interest in mind.
  • Better relationships are one of the good reasons to get clean and sober.
  • When you’ve got high energy levels and lots of free time, it’s easier to stay focused on work, school, and personal projects.

First, and most importantly, you deserve sobriety. If you’re like most people recovering from an addiction, you know how substance abuse can totally and completely interrupt your life. While using, everything else tends to fall by the wayside – friends, family, hobbies, jobs, responsibilities, etc. John’s key responsibilities include maintaining the day-to-day operations from both a clinical and housing perspective.

Not only does this put you in a safe space to keep your mind off cravings, but it’s a reserved space that forces you to be proactive. Lift weights, run the treadmill, or utilize the pool to swim laps. You’ll never finish everything you want to do, but if you set strict timelines, you’ll keep yourself on track for staying sober. reasons to be sober If you’re fortunate enough to have friends and family that have continued to stay by your side, then seek them out. If you’re having a hard day, they will rush to your aid to ensure you don’t slip back. They shouldn’t become a crutch, but they will always be thankful you turned to them instead of to your addiction.

Your journey can inspire others; it may even save someone one day. Are you tired of not knowing where you’ll wake up, or worse ⎼ if you will? Sobriety allows you to break free from the constraints of addiction. It enables you to make decisions based on what is best for you rather than what you need to do to get your next fix.